Online Business School Academic Code

Academic Code

All of our courses are taught in English. Our programs are student-oriented, flexible and personalized. We use a combination of classroom theory and hands-on experiential learning that draws on both the American business education model and European learning methodologies. EU’s pragmatic approach to business education prepares students for careers in today’s rapidly evolving and globalized business world.


required Grade Point Average (GPA) to achieve honors of Summa Cum Laude


required GPA to obtain a bachelor’s degree


average number of contact hours per week for full-time students


passing grade required to complete a course

Online Business School Master's

Online Business School Master's

All students must respect their peers, EU Business School staff, faculty, partners and visitors, and should behave in a courteous, mature and appropriate manner at all times. 

Honesty and self-discipline are two essential aspects of learning and important values in the academic community. EU Business School adheres to strict standards of academic honesty and all students must abide and adhere to these standards. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, impersonation, plagiarism, alteration of grades and attempted theft of academic records or exams. These and related acts are considered academic misconduct and warrant disciplinary action.

Students have an average workload of 22-24 lecture hours per week for bachelor’s students; 15-18 hours for MBA students; and 14 hours for master’s students. 

For a bachelor class session of three contact hours per week for 13 weeks (4 ECTS), students are required to complete approximately 61 hours of work per course per semester outside of the classroom. For a bachelor class session of two contact hours per week for 13 weeks (3 ECTS), students need to complete approximately 46 hours of work per course per semester outside of the class. MBA and master’s students are required to complete a minimum of 61 hours of work per course per term. 

These hours include readings, assignments, cases and projects that faculty assigns to students, following the course outline and in alignment with the course learning outcomes. 

A 100%  class attendance rate is mandatory at EU Business School for all on-campus students. Course attendance means physical presence in the classroom and full compliance with the learning conditions as established for the class by the incumbent faculty member.

If a student has more than an overall 30% absence rate in a given course, the student will receive a failing grade which will appear on the transcript and the student will need to retake the course.

Attendance on the Digital Campus is tracked through attendance to the weekly live webinars, participation in the class forum discussions and other activities.

Students will be assessed in each course in accordance with the assessment components defined in the course outline. Assessment components can be formative and summative. Formative assessments monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback. Summative assessment is used to evaluate student learning at the end of a course by comparing it with specific standards or benchmarks. 

In-class lectures are combined with seminars, workshops, guest speakers and class discussions. It is essential for students to participate in all organized activities. At EU Business School we require students to engage and dialogue with the faculty. This process promotes interest and attention while building creative, critical and independent thinking skills. Students are also expected to listen to and actively engage with their peers and to take advantage of EU Business School’s international environment and diverse learning platforms.

Assessments, either formative or summative, must be submitted by the deadlines established by faculty members and published in the course outlines.

EU awards the following academic honors:

  • cum laude for a cumulative GPA of 3.2 - 3.4;
  • magna cum laude for a cumulative GPA of 3.5 - 3.7;
  • summa cum laude for a cumulative GPA of 3.8 - 4.0

Accomplishing academic honors represents outstanding work within the requirements of a given major or specialization. Excellence in these areas is measured by overall GPA, performance in designated gateway courses within a major and completion of a dissertation.